
International Journal

  1. Swati Ganar, "Review Paper on Preserving Confidentiality of Data in Cloud Using Dynamic Anonymization", International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN), Volume 1, Issue 6, pp. 61-66, Oct 2012.

  2. Shaikh Mohammed Ahmed , Zeenat Sayyed , Khan Yasif , Er. Kashif Kaularikar, "Enterprise Resource Planning for Technical Institute", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN TECHNOLOGY, Volume-7, Issue-3, 509-511, March 2017.

  3. Dipesh Rane, Nabil Ahmed Mulla, Daanish Sarguru, Shabina Sayed, "Sales Performance Management System", IJCA, IJCA.. Vol- 162 – ISSU- 11,, , March 2017.

  4. Prof. Shrinidhi Gindi, "Online Shopping with Real Time GPS Tracking", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 23210613 Volume 3, Issue 1, , March 2015.

  5. Kashif Kaularikar , Dipti Patil, "Enhancing Trust Factor in Mid to High Valued E-auction using Virtual Accounting on Existing Money Transfer Network", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 6, 303-306, June 2013.

  6. Kashif Kaularikar, Ajeet Yadav, Farheen Baig, Sabeeha Khan, Shehnaz Khan, "India's Arm Manufacturing in Defence Sector", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7, Issue 2, 291-294, February 2018.

  7. Prof. Shrinidhi Gindi, "Intelligent asset management achieving autonomy using Alchemi middleware", International journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2278-0181 Volume 3, Issue 04, , April-2014.

  8. Dr.Ashfaq Shaikh, SN Chandrashekhar, A Maredia, KF Shakeel, S Sayyed, "Improving Quality of Healthcare Using Big Data", IJNTR, Volume III, Issue IV, PaperID LJNTR03040077 IISN: 2454-4116. , pp 26-29, April 2017.

  9. Prof. Farida Attar, "RFID Based Universal Transaction System", IJSRCSE, VOL 08 NO 02, , 8-04-2020.

  10. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Search Engine Based Efficient Query Processing Novel system International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization", ICCCV, , , 24th and 25th Feb 2017 .

  11. Prof. Farida Attar, "DATABASE SWITCHING and GUI", IJCSTR, vol 03,no 01, , 24-03-2015.


  13. Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr.Savita shivani, "Exploring cloud based NOSQL Services", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 7/4, 686-691, 2019.

  14. Er.Mirza Zainab,Zaeem Farooqui, Mohit Jain, Anas Karolia, "Cloud based Solution for Small and Medium Franchisees", International Journal of New Technology and Research-ISBN: 978-93-86171-02-3, 3/3, , 2017.

  15. S Sayed, A Mohid, M Pal, M Haji, "Graphical Password based authentication system with sound sequence", International Journal of Computer Applications, 973-93-80891-58-3, , 2016.

  16. shabina sayed,burhanuddin,rakesh jain,fakhruddin, "Android based Chat-Bot", IJCA, IJCA..VOL-137/ISSU-10, , 2016.

  17. Er.Mirza Zainab,Hemang Behl, Amir Parkar, Faraz Noor, "Bill Generation and Expense Tracking using QR codes", International Journal of Global Technology Initiatives, 5/1, 80-89, 2016.

  18. Er. Mirza Zainab, Ayesha B et al, "Network Data Collection and Analysis", International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 3/3, 66-69, 2016.

  19. arshad,rahul,shabina sayed, "location based authentication system", IJIRST, IJIRST.VOL-1/ISSU-10, , 2015.

  20. Dr shabina Sayed,Dr shoeb ahmed, "RADIATION HAZARDS IN INDIA", Iceft, ICEFT, , 2015.

  21. Dr. Shabina Sayed, arshad, "AUTOMATED TIME TABLE GENERATOR", IJIRST, IJIRST.VOL-1/ISSU-11, , 2015.


  23. Er. Mirza Zainab, Mohammed Abbas Khute, "Performance analysis of Big Data using Cloud", International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE), 2/4, 60-64, 2015.

  24. Prof. Shrinidhi Gindi, "SMART METERING", International journal of Computer science trends and technology,, 2347-8578(ISSN) Volume 2, , 2014.


  26. zaid,altamash,zain,shabina s, "location based e crime flie using android", Ijert, IJERT.vol2/iss 8, , 2013.

  27. fawziya,fatima,shabina, "financial calculator and investment adviser", Ijert, IJERT.vol2/iss 10, , 2013.

  28. Swati Ganar, "Anonymization: A Method To Protect Sensitive Data In Cloud", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 5,, 1667-1670, 2013.

  29. Dr. Shabina Sayed, "Motion blur image fusion using discrete wavelet transform", IJCER, IJCER vol.X/issueX, , 2012.

  30. Prof. Farida Attar, "NOVEL SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUE", IJCSTR, VOL 03 , NO 02, , 17-04-2015.

  31. Swati Ganar, "Enabling Use of Dynamic Anonymization for Enhanced Security in Cloud", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Volume 12, Issue 3, PP 44-51, 15 June 2013.

  32. Prof. Farida Attar, "Smart Solution For Citizen’s Road Safety From Potholes", IJAERD, VOL 07 NO :04, , 03-05-2020.

National Conference

  1. Swati Ganar, "Cloud Computing Security", National conference on Recent Trends In Technology, , , FEB 11.

  2. Er.Mirza Zainab , Maaz Ansari, "Benefits of private cloud for for small and medium Enterprises", National conference on smart Cities -NCSC2017, , , 2017.

International Conference

  1. Swati Ganar, "A Review Paper on Data Mining: A Tool for Earthquake Prediction", International Conference on Knowledge Engineering, , 303-309, JAN 2011.

  2. Farzana Shaikh , Dipti Patil, "Multi-Tenant E-commerce based on SaaS Model to Minimize IT Cost", IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology Research (ICAETR - 2014), ISBN : 978-1-4799-6393-5, , August 01-02, 2014.

  3. Farzana Shaikh , Dipti Patil, "SaaS based Multi-tenant E-commerce to reduce cost and improve resource utilization", IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO) 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6480-2, , 9th and 10th January 2015.

  4. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Smart parking System To Avoid Traffic Congestion", ICSCET, , , 5th Jan 2018.

  5. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Smart parking Based System for smarter cities", ICSCET, , , 5th Jan 2018.

  6. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "E-Ticketing System for Public Transport Bus", ICSCET, , , 5 Jan 2018 .

  7. Farzana Shaikh, Firdous Rangrez, Afsha Khan, Uzma Khan, "Social Media Analytics based on Big Data", IEEE Sponsored 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control I2C2 17, ISBN: 978-1-5386-0374-1, , 23rd and 24th June 2017.

  8. Er. Swati Ganar 1, Gulhasan Siddiquee 2, Attaullah Khan 3, Soyab Anwar, "E-Garage Management System", IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Communication Networks (IC-ISCN 2019), , PP 38-41, 2019.

  9. Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr. Savita Shivani, "NOSQL DB with Python PaaS", IC-CSOD ISBN-978-0-9994483-1-1, , 131-134, 2018.

  10. Er. Mirza Zainab, Mr Abdul Samea et. al, "Document Summarization as A Service (Dsaas) A Web Application for Summarizing Technical Documents", IC-CSOD ISBN-978-0-9994483-1-1, , 1-4, 2018.

  11. Er.Mirza Zainab,Dr V.S. Dhaka, "Big Data Analytics as a Service (BDAaaS) System Layer", INDIACom-2017; ISSN 0973-7529; ISBN 978-93-80544-24-3, , 490-493, 2017.

  12. Er.Mirza Zainab, Dr. V.S Dhaka, "Big Data Management as a Service using NO SQL model from Cloud", International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE), 3/3, 18-22, 2016.

  13. Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr. V.S Dhaka, "Environmental Benefits of Educational cloud", Industrial engineering Journal (IIIE), 6, 44-46, 2014.

  14. Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr. V.S dhaka, "Cloud Computing with Azure PaaS for Educational Institutions", International Journal of Information and Computation Technology. ISSN 0974-2239, 4/2, 139-144, 2014.

  15. Dr.Ashfaq Shaikh, Burhanuddin Lakdawala Farhan Khan ; Arif Khan ; Yash Tomar ; Rahul Gupta, "Voice to Text transcription using CMU Sphinx A mobile application for healthcare organization", IEEE 2nd International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2018)., NSPEC Accession Number: 18116108, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2018.8473305, , 20-21 April 2018.

  16. Prof. Farida Attar, "Rentkarde Mobile Based Android Application", ICESTMM, , , 20-04-2019.

  17. Farzana Shaikh, Danish Khan, Umar Khan, Talib Siddiqui, "YouTube data Analysis on Hadoop", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies, , , 1st-3rd March 2018.

  18. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Paper on Smartphone Sensors based Rubik’s Cube Timer", IC-ISCN, , , 19 th FEB 2019.

  19. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Paper on A custom Approach for Waste Category Recognition based on Image", IC-ISCN, , , 19 th Feb 2019.

  20. Farzana Shaikh, Danish Khan, Umar Khan, Talib Siddiqui, "YouTube data Analysis using Map Reduce on Hadoop", 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT 2018), ISBN: 978-1-5386-2440-1, , 18th and 19th May 2018.

  21. Prof. Farida Attar, "A Secured Approach To Online Social Networking Site", ICCCV, , , 02-02-2016.

  22. Prof. Farida Attar, "Bringing VR to Desktop :3D Game", ICCCV, , , 02-02-2016.

  23. Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Smart E-Grievance System for Effective Communication", ICSCET, , , 5th Jan 2018 .

  24. Farzana Shaikh, Feza Shaikh, Needa Mittha, Khadija Shaikh, Naziya Khan, "Smart Toilet Based on IoT", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2019), ISBN: 978-1-5386-7808-4, , 27th-29th March 2019.