International Journal
Swati Ganar, "Review Paper on Preserving Confidentiality of Data in Cloud Using Dynamic Anonymization", International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN), Volume 1, Issue 6, pp. 61-66, Oct 2012.
Shaikh Mohammed Ahmed , Zeenat Sayyed , Khan Yasif , Er. Kashif Kaularikar, "Enterprise Resource Planning for Technical Institute", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN TECHNOLOGY, Volume-7, Issue-3, 509-511, March 2017.
Dipesh Rane, Nabil Ahmed Mulla, Daanish Sarguru, Shabina Sayed, "Sales Performance Management System", IJCA, IJCA.. Vol- 162 – ISSU- 11,, , March 2017.
Prof. Shrinidhi Gindi, "Online Shopping with Real Time GPS Tracking", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 23210613 Volume 3, Issue 1, , March 2015.
Kashif Kaularikar , Dipti Patil, "Enhancing Trust Factor in Mid to High Valued E-auction using Virtual Accounting on Existing Money Transfer Network", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 6, 303-306, June 2013.
Kashif Kaularikar, Ajeet Yadav, Farheen Baig, Sabeeha Khan, Shehnaz Khan, "India's Arm Manufacturing in Defence Sector", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7, Issue 2, 291-294, February 2018.
Prof. Shrinidhi Gindi, "Intelligent asset management achieving autonomy using Alchemi middleware", International journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2278-0181 Volume 3, Issue 04, , April-2014.
Dr.Ashfaq Shaikh, SN Chandrashekhar, A Maredia, KF Shakeel, S Sayyed, "Improving Quality of Healthcare Using Big Data", IJNTR, Volume III, Issue IV, PaperID LJNTR03040077 IISN: 2454-4116. , pp 26-29, April 2017.
Prof. Farida Attar, "RFID Based Universal Transaction System", IJSRCSE, VOL 08 NO 02, , 8-04-2020.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Search Engine Based Efficient Query Processing Novel system International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization", ICCCV, , , 24th and 25th Feb 2017 .
Prof. Farida Attar, "DATABASE SWITCHING and GUI", IJCSTR, vol 03,no 01, , 24-03-2015.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr.Savita shivani, "Exploring cloud based NOSQL Services", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 7/4, 686-691, 2019.
Er.Mirza Zainab,Zaeem Farooqui, Mohit Jain, Anas Karolia, "Cloud based Solution for Small and Medium Franchisees", International Journal of New Technology and Research-ISBN: 978-93-86171-02-3, 3/3, , 2017.
S Sayed, A Mohid, M Pal, M Haji, "Graphical Password based authentication system with sound sequence", International Journal of Computer Applications, 973-93-80891-58-3, , 2016.
shabina sayed,burhanuddin,rakesh jain,fakhruddin, "Android based Chat-Bot", IJCA, IJCA..VOL-137/ISSU-10, , 2016.
Er.Mirza Zainab,Hemang Behl, Amir Parkar, Faraz Noor, "Bill Generation and Expense Tracking using QR codes", International Journal of Global Technology Initiatives, 5/1, 80-89, 2016.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Ayesha B et al, "Network Data Collection and Analysis", International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 3/3, 66-69, 2016.
arshad,rahul,shabina sayed, "location based authentication system", IJIRST, IJIRST.VOL-1/ISSU-10, , 2015.
Dr shabina Sayed,Dr shoeb ahmed, "RADIATION HAZARDS IN INDIA", Iceft, ICEFT, , 2015.
Dr. Shabina Sayed, arshad, "AUTOMATED TIME TABLE GENERATOR", IJIRST, IJIRST.VOL-1/ISSU-11, , 2015.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Mohammed Abbas Khute, "Performance analysis of Big Data using Cloud", International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE), 2/4, 60-64, 2015.
Prof. Shrinidhi Gindi, "SMART METERING", International journal of Computer science trends and technology,, 2347-8578(ISSN) Volume 2, , 2014.
zaid,altamash,zain,shabina s, "location based e crime flie using android", Ijert, IJERT.vol2/iss 8, , 2013.
fawziya,fatima,shabina, "financial calculator and investment adviser", Ijert, IJERT.vol2/iss 10, , 2013.
Swati Ganar, "Anonymization: A Method To Protect Sensitive Data In Cloud", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 5,, 1667-1670, 2013.
Dr. Shabina Sayed, "Motion blur image fusion using discrete wavelet transform", IJCER, IJCER vol.X/issueX, , 2012.
Swati Ganar, "Enabling Use of Dynamic Anonymization for Enhanced Security in Cloud", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Volume 12, Issue 3, PP 44-51, 15 June 2013.
Prof. Farida Attar, "Smart Solution For Citizen’s Road Safety From Potholes", IJAERD, VOL 07 NO :04, , 03-05-2020.
National Conference
Swati Ganar, "Cloud Computing Security", National conference on Recent Trends In Technology, , , FEB 11.
Er.Mirza Zainab , Maaz Ansari, "Benefits of private cloud for for small and medium Enterprises", National conference on smart Cities -NCSC2017, , , 2017.
International Conference
Swati Ganar, "A Review Paper on Data Mining: A Tool for Earthquake Prediction", International Conference on Knowledge Engineering, , 303-309, JAN 2011.
Farzana Shaikh , Dipti Patil, "Multi-Tenant E-commerce based on SaaS Model to Minimize IT Cost", IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology Research (ICAETR - 2014), ISBN : 978-1-4799-6393-5, , August 01-02, 2014.
Farzana Shaikh , Dipti Patil, "SaaS based Multi-tenant E-commerce to reduce cost and improve resource utilization", IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO) 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6480-2, , 9th and 10th January 2015.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Smart parking System To Avoid Traffic Congestion", ICSCET, , , 5th Jan 2018.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Smart parking Based System for smarter cities", ICSCET, , , 5th Jan 2018.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "E-Ticketing System for Public Transport Bus", ICSCET, , , 5 Jan 2018 .
Farzana Shaikh, Firdous Rangrez, Afsha Khan, Uzma Khan, "Social Media Analytics based on Big Data", IEEE Sponsored 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control I2C2 17, ISBN: 978-1-5386-0374-1, , 23rd and 24th June 2017.
Er. Swati Ganar 1, Gulhasan Siddiquee 2, Attaullah Khan 3, Soyab Anwar, "E-Garage Management System", IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Communication Networks (IC-ISCN 2019), , PP 38-41, 2019.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr. Savita Shivani, "NOSQL DB with Python PaaS", IC-CSOD ISBN-978-0-9994483-1-1, , 131-134, 2018.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Mr Abdul Samea et. al, "Document Summarization as A Service (Dsaas) A Web Application for Summarizing Technical Documents", IC-CSOD ISBN-978-0-9994483-1-1, , 1-4, 2018.
Er.Mirza Zainab,Dr V.S. Dhaka, "Big Data Analytics as a Service (BDAaaS) System Layer", INDIACom-2017; ISSN 0973-7529; ISBN 978-93-80544-24-3, , 490-493, 2017.
Er.Mirza Zainab, Dr. V.S Dhaka, "Big Data Management as a Service using NO SQL model from Cloud", International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE), 3/3, 18-22, 2016.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr. V.S Dhaka, "Environmental Benefits of Educational cloud", Industrial engineering Journal (IIIE), 6, 44-46, 2014.
Er. Mirza Zainab, Dr. V.S dhaka, "Cloud Computing with Azure PaaS for Educational Institutions", International Journal of Information and Computation Technology. ISSN 0974-2239, 4/2, 139-144, 2014.
Dr.Ashfaq Shaikh, Burhanuddin Lakdawala Farhan Khan ; Arif Khan ; Yash Tomar ; Rahul Gupta, "Voice to Text transcription using CMU Sphinx A mobile application for healthcare organization", IEEE 2nd International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2018)., NSPEC Accession Number: 18116108, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2018.8473305, , 20-21 April 2018.
Prof. Farida Attar, "Rentkarde Mobile Based Android Application", ICESTMM, , , 20-04-2019.
Farzana Shaikh, Danish Khan, Umar Khan, Talib Siddiqui, "YouTube data Analysis on Hadoop", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies, , , 1st-3rd March 2018.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Paper on Smartphone Sensors based Rubik’s Cube Timer", IC-ISCN, , , 19 th FEB 2019.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Paper on A custom Approach for Waste Category Recognition based on Image", IC-ISCN, , , 19 th Feb 2019.
Farzana Shaikh, Danish Khan, Umar Khan, Talib Siddiqui, "YouTube data Analysis using Map Reduce on Hadoop", 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT 2018), ISBN: 978-1-5386-2440-1, , 18th and 19th May 2018.
Prof. Farida Attar, "A Secured Approach To Online Social Networking Site", ICCCV, , , 02-02-2016.
Prof. Farida Attar, "Bringing VR to Desktop :3D Game", ICCCV, , , 02-02-2016.
Prof. Sanam Salman Kazi, "Smart E-Grievance System for Effective Communication", ICSCET, , , 5th Jan 2018 .
Farzana Shaikh, Feza Shaikh, Needa Mittha, Khadija Shaikh, Naziya Khan, "Smart Toilet Based on IoT", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2019), ISBN: 978-1-5386-7808-4, , 27th-29th March 2019.